Sunday, December 2, 2007
in December
2. Submissions for annual No. 3 are pouring in, so add yours soon, if you're so inclined, to the Zoland fluvial plain.
3. Höfd[insert here "eth" for "d"]ingi white soft cheese is a nicely priced alternative in the holiday maelstrom. And it's a nice push for a sustainable Iceland.
4. This fall Princeton University unveiled a new certificate program in translation.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
the Republic
"Translation is i) a duty within the Republic of Letters; ii) a way of allowing various voices to speak; iii) a means of letting air into the beds of our own letters. Editorial activity is an extension of translation, not only from languages but from disciplines."
Words worthy of beatification; at least some passing time and its consideration.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Translation in Percents
Having one extra title per season does afford the publisher a couple extra minutes during sales conference, a few hundred books get scattered to top independent and university accounts, and then the author gets quickly buried in the presses' backlist, which is otherwise, largely, constructed of regional (based on the presses' provenance) midlist authors. What a resounding success.
What is required is this -- a business model and plan slightly less dull and vacuous. One that considers, first, the author and the press, rather than using "literary translation" as a banner under which to siphon extra funds to the usual suspects.
I'm working on it.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Golden Bear Matte Path
Latest Zoland Poetry ad out in the now-current American Poetry Review. The news -- we're reading for book 3 and submissions are flying in at various supersonic rates, so consider us and (e)mail away your submissions already. Book 2 in the series will be for sale at AWP in NYC and though Book 3 won't legally hit the streets until early 2009, the gods of marketing and databases specify that we need the majority of book 3 in hand by the end of this year, very beginning of '08.
One of the more recent legs of our '07 crazed travel schedule found Wyatt searching out good books through the University of California Berkeley campus. This particular path ended up leading past the Bear's Lair and a lyric or two floating out the poet Jean Day's office, around the Fiery Furnaces Friday campus rock show, and eventually to the T-Rex skeleton in the Life Sciences Building.
After some rejuvenation and another blast of caffeine, we gave up on the notion of calling a taxi in the East Bay and used all roads leading to the BART station and a brief walk to Small Press Distribution headquarters
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Everyone's reading Nietzsche
June 28 until now has been traveling through China. Tibet. Sieve fulls of conferences in NYC, Iowa City for the 40th Anniversary of the International Writing Program, and Berkeley for some fests around the new East Asian Center at the UC. More on these travels soon.
Of first importance -- when in the Bay Area -- stop by SPD and spend some money, then hit up Owen Hill's poetry section at Moes and the Clay Banes goods at Pegasus on Shattuck. Then have the post office box up things and mail away for you. Don't injure.
And for all of you reviewers who continue to ignore my earlier missives -- and you know who you are [assistant professors in new england institutions] -- cease structuring your reviews of translated literature as 90% biographical material detailing the literary import of the author in translation, and then your remaining 10% cobbling together some discussion of the actual translation with a passing swipe at one or two lines of the translation based on a close relationship with a competing translator. This is tiresome and uninformative. Go back to berating your undergraduates and leave the print media be something other than your poorly constructed faux-literary diatribes. Get tenure some other way.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Zoland Mapquests and a History
Founding Zoland Editor and Publisher Roland Pease works out of Cambridge, MA.
Translation Editor Christopher Mattison recently rooted himself into Princeton, NJ.
Reviews Editor Chloe Garcia Roberts is completing graduate work in Eugene, OR.
Another recent Zoland in-house editor, Erica Mena, is departing Cambridge, MA for Cambridge in the UK.
Other Zoland contributing editors are scattered throughout this thing called globe, and prefer to remain anonymous.
& a Zoland History
Before there was Zoland Poetry, the world knew Zoland Books, the independent literary publishing house founded by Roland Pease, which published literary fiction, poetry and arts-related memoirs for fifteen years before being acquired by Steerforth Press. In that time Pease brought into print a wide range of poets including Ange Mlinko, Bill Berkson, Kevin Young, William Corbett, Lisa Jarnot, Patricia Smith and Anne Porter.
Zoland Poetry is the next incarnation in the Zoland line. It is an annual of contemporary writing from around the globe, consisting of an active web component, and an annual book that is published by Steerforth Press. The first Zoland Poetry annual hit the shelves in March 2007. Each volume is an equal fusion of contemporary English language poetry, works in translation, and interviews with featured poets.
The online arm of Zoland Poetry——includes book reviews of recent poetry collections from here and abroad, original language material for the works in translation, translator essays, and audio clips of select poets.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
De faced
“Because first and foremost we value the experience of the poetry, we decided not to print the German texts en face. Both of us were reluctant to encourage, in the process of fostering an international readership’s acquaintance with Paul Celan, too early a recourse to the kind of line-by-line comparison that fatally distracts attention from what matters first: the experience of a poem’s coursing, cumulative power. The serious scholar will have no trouble looking up the poetic originals; the serious reader will have no objection to focusing on a poem’s presence and integrity.” [p.xiii]
So, if I’m a serious scholar, and am going to track down the originals anyway, why not provide me with the material. The absence of Celan’s German seems a palsy traffic hump to provide someone eager to delve into both original and translation. Especially when you consider that this particular book of translations has been roundly and deservedly heralded as a stunning transformation of these particular Celan poems into English. This is by far one of my favorite books of translation/poetry, which is perhaps what makes the translators’ excuse about the monolingual aspect of this volume all the more painful.
They say they want to focus on the “coursing, cumulative power”—as if readers would be somehow or other physically or genetically incapable of reading just the English for the English. There is a verso and recto to each spread – German goes on one, English the other. Perhaps an eye patch could have been included at the back of the book. And if they really are so concerned about the book being relegated solely to a scholarly apparatus, then why are there over 32 pages of notes for just over 100 pages of poems? Some breath is not squaring.
There are several mentions of copyright issues that hung up the project – but if this were the only issue, it would have been simple enough to write in the introduction that Wesleyan University Press didn’t have the funds for the German (or else that the rights holder was unwilling to set the German free) – and based on the scope of other Wesleyan projects, an additional 100 pages of text for the German shouldn’t have been a financial problem, especially with the literary world’s continued interest in Celan’s work.
Which seems to return us to the age-old issue of some translators believing that including the original in a volume of translation will somehow taint the book, that it won’t be considered seriously as a book of poetry in English, and/or that it will appear too scholarly or inaccessible on store shelves, with two languages staring back. There are other translators who are painfully concerned about being accepted as poets (read, not just translators). The thinking goes that if the original is also included, then their words will be considered to be nothing more than translation for hire – a Kodak user’s manual from Danish, which is about as far from the truth as one can be when considering the poetry of Paul Celan.
Both serious scholars and readers would benefit from seeing the estranged and lyrical nature of Celan's German. Celan moved between too many languages to be concerned about today's readers moving both horizontally and vertically on the page, across gutters.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Zoland's Translation Mission
In the world of editing and publishing literary translations, at least within the framework of independent, small- to medium-sized press publishing, one can afford to be concerned with more than the marketing department. You can consider decentering translations away from that nebulous chestnut of simply “adhering to the spirit of the ‘original’, and/or “updating a work (idiomatically or temporally) into contemporary English.” This is vital in understanding our mission.
There is no canonical version of a translated text. It is all an aspect of a palimpsest. And the palimpsest, by nature, refuses inscription, or, more correctly, invites repeated inscription. Even in the case of something as seemingly definitive as the 1,000-page brick of Zephyr’s Complete Poems of Anna Akhmatova—this is only one version of certain aspects of Akhmatova’s life in verse (through the lens of the translator Judith Hemschemeyer). It is a very specific project steeped in a variety of intents. As opposed to, say, the small handful of Akhmatova versions that Jane Kenyon poured over for years.
Translation is built on connections and tissues of the unexplained that, as a translator, editor, or reviewer you need to explain--how did you arrive at your version…. For years I have believed that translation is the closest form of reading. After my first editing job of a literary translation through the University of Iowa's International Writing Program, I was absorbed by the extra layers of detail that had to be navigated when editing a translation: original text, translation, translator’s notes, previous publications, voice and tone, dozens of e-mails debating certain aspects of the translation with author, translator, and editors. On top of that, considering design elements, how the translation fits into the previous and forthcoming series. And then the hurdles of keeping translators to a schedule.
As publishers who are also translators, it’s of vital importance that Zoland continues to remind people from the bookshelves that the poems in translation didn't start in English. That there was a language these lines were and remain in. In a very small way, we're doing our best to chip away at the monolith of a monolingual society.
And we like to read.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
on Translation Reviewers
- No mention is made of the work actually being a translation. In these cases one can assume that a majority of the review was pulled from the press material that accompanied the review copy of the book;
- Any discussion of the translation is relegated to mention of the English sounding smooth, often times without mentioning the actual name of the translator.
- More aggressive than passive jabs are taken at a translator, citing issues of plural v. singular or adjective/noun placement in terms of the original language. These claims are generally made without concrete examples from the text or taking into account the translator's introduction, which, theoretically, should discuss a basic translation strategy and the very issues that a reviewer might latch on to.
As examples of solid reviews that deal with both author and translator/text and process, check out: Johannes Görannson on Tomas Tranströmer's The Great Enigma (New Directions) and Zoya Marincheva on Lyubomir Levchev's Ashes of Light (Curbstone Press). Then buy the books.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Princeton in Zoland in June
In other news, Zoland editor Erica Mena will be departing Cambridge, MA in September for Cambridge, UK. Many thanks to Erica for all her work on book 2. And Reviews Editor Chloe Garcia Roberts has just finished year 1 in the Univ. of Oregon writing program. One more year before Chloe refinds her Allston, MA home.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Zoland Poetry Update
A handful of book 2 contributors include Bei Dao, Connie Deanovich, Merrill Gilfillan, Deborah Meadows, Elizabeth Robinson, Jennifer Scappettone, and Tony Towle; up next to translations by Forrest Gander, Alexis Levitin, Stephanie Sandler, Lawrence Venuti, and Eliot Weinberger. A complete list of the book's contributors will be up in late July, and the book itself will preview at the NYC AWP conference in late January, 08.
Cover art for book 2 is provided by Darragh Park.